A.} H.B.Book Edited By Charles Holme, MCMXII, Pub; The Studio, 'Peasant Art in Russia' (1)./ - B.} H,B.Book By J.G.Wood,M.A.,F.L.S, Pub's; J.G.Routledge,N.Y & R.Clay,London, 'Birds' (1)./ C.} H.B.Book By Roger Butterfield,1947 Pub;Simon-Schuster,Dust Jacket 'american past' (1 )./ - D.} H.B.Book By Frida Schottmuller 590 illus,Brentano's,'Furniture & interior italian design,(1)./ - - E.} S.B.Book By DiA.Detroit,Mi, 1983 Pub; Detroit institute of Arts, 'Art between world-fairs' (1)./ F.} H.B.Book By Currier & ives, 'Printmakers to the American People' MCMXLII, Doubleday,(1)./ G.} H.B. " By WINSTON S.CHURCHILL,'the second World War' Editors of LIFE,Vol.1&2, (1)./ H.} 'Minn of the Mississippi' By Holling C.Holling, illus.1951 Pub; Houghton Mifflin,Riverside,(1)./ i.} 'Rhind MATHEMATICAL PAPYRUS' By Eric Peet, Pub; univ-press, London,MCMXXIII,(1). / J.} 'Birds of the World' By Oliver L.Austin Jr, illus by Arthur Singer, 1961 Pub; Golden Press,(1)./