Includes one APenn, Apenn Oil Company, one gallon heavy duty motor oil can. One Tidex, Tidewater Oil Company Canada, on gallon full bodied motor oil can. One Red Top, Emblem Oil Company, two gallon motor oil can. One Texaco, The Texas Company, one gallon oil can. One Mobil oil five quart oil can. One Kendall Refining Company five quart oil can. One Quaker State Super Blend, Quaker State Refining Corporation, one gallon motor oil can. One Marvel Mystery Oil, Emerol Manufacturing Comany, one gallon top cylinder lubricant can. One Improved Pyroil, Pyroil Company, one gallon gas additive can. One Fisk, Uniroyal Merchandising Company, one gallon anti-freeze can. One Stanolind Liquid Paraffin, Standard Oil Company, one gallon mineral oil can. Provence: property of a Ortonville, MI estate.